About Us


In the beginning, Jacob turned 14.

And Jacob ate frosted flakes every single night for months while his Mom battled depression. Then there was Abie. And he would plug in earphones every single night to drown out the nasty fighting between his parents. After, there was Eddie and he watched his Dad slowly die of cancer. Then came Nathan. His older (OCD) brother treated him like a disease and used Purell every time he walked into the room.

Team Hashem began in 2011, a super quiet group of incredible volunteers that run missions 24/7. They visit, they listen, and they hug whatever life is still left from young kids in total pain. The point here is to lift up the spirit of every child in a tough spot and make sure they grow up happy, healthy and wise.

Seven years, seventy kids.

And finally, for every single boy struggling with a toxic house, we built a safe, sweet and magnificent world of escape. An after-school chill house where they can eat a good home cooked meal, do their homework and just talk it all out. Rabbis, therapists, big brothers, ping pong, gym and chill.


Some have lost a parent, some have a parent who is lost, others are just plain lost. Some have been verbally abused, some have been bullied, others just wish they had never been born (for real). And then there are those young and tortured souls caught directly in the crossfire of a nasty divorce.


Stunning, trendy and warm, The Yellow House is located on the corner of Quentin Road and East 16th. Comfy sofas and coffee tables for casual shmoozing and game playing. Billiard/tennis tables and basketball arcades for fun. Cool dining and beverage area for group dinners and CHILL!


First, we open our door really wide, so that every boy has a shot to finally escape a world of stuckness (made up word). Second, we staff an incredible team who are warm, kind and judgeless (another made up word). Third, we try our best to give real time tips on how to survive AND beat the struggle.


The crew at The Yellow house – absolutely, without a doubt, one of a kind – chill certified. Every single therapist, mentor and Rabbi on our team is a rare, mixed breed of authenticity and specialness (our last made up word). They are great listeners, high energy motivators and just plain FUN!


Kids of The Yellow House are in for some very special treats. Culinary classes from real chefs, music lessons from real musicians, aptitude workshops and talent competitions. Best of all, is the monthly job fair where we invite community businesses to offer the boys gainful employment and internships.


The Yellow House is there to offer an authentic and joyful alternative to the dark and depressing street. The point here is so very simple. Build up a child in pain and skip the almost impossible job of helping them once they become a broken adult.

Toothpaste + floss – $6
Root Canal + New tooth – $6k